standard-title Country House Meridiana Abruzzo

Country House Meridiana Abruzzo


An antique, tipical and reconstructed farmer house, in 15 minutes from the sea and the mountains, in the heart of Abruzzo. Surrounded by a big garden and luxuriant fields, La Meridiana wholly represents naturality of traditions and customs of Abruzzo.
Discover country house La Meridiana »


The apartments are very colorful and cosy, with the sight on the stretch of the coltivated lands. Also they are provided with all necessary things to prepare delicious lunches with a tipical products of the countryside.
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In the garden, rich of fruit and vegetables, there are varied relax zones : a swimming pool completely equiped, barbeque, traditional italian game (bocce), games for children.
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AtriFrom the country house La Meridiana it is easy to reach numerous important places of story, art, traditions and culture.

Gran SassoTrips to Gran Sasso and to Sorgenti del Salino are remarkably suggestive. Few Km from the country house there are superb beaches of Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto Lido, and Villa Rosa.

Santa Maria a VicoOnly a few houndred meters from the country house is located the most antique church of Abruzzo  Santa Maria a Vico, a construction of romanic style, that was built before 1.000.


Cuisine of AbruzzoThe cuisine of Abruzzo gets its products from agriculture, fishing and sheep-farming, this is a proof of how rich and varied is the cooking tradition of Abruzzo.

Wines of AbruzzoDiscover the wealth of Abruzzo driving down the culinary routes to valve tipical products of the place.

Manifestations of AbruzzoEvery year city councils and pro loco of Abruzzo organize different festivals and many manifestations to promote typical wines and gastronomic products.




